
The first time you load the game it will take approximately 1~2 minutes.
Be sure to read the tutorial below to fully understand the game, if you dont understand something, there is a Walkthrough you can check.

Any feedback will be appreciated, thanks for playing!


“A Night with Me” is a puzzle-game in which the player must solve environmental puzzles by generating elements through the use of alchemical signs in order to find a secret recipe to create a potion that will enable him to defeat a dark entity.


The game begins with a short dialogue explaining that the alchemist by mistaking a potion has given birth to the dark entity (it is actually his dark side). 

The shadow explains that the alchemist must create potions for him or else he will harm innocent people.

The alchemist then whispers that he must find a solution to solve it.


  • Keyboard - WASD: Movement
  • W: Forward
  • S: Backward
  • D: Right
  • A: Left
  • Keyboard - E: Interact / Sit on the chair
  • Keyboard - Q: Leave Chair
  • Keyboard - Spacebar: Jump
  • Keyboard - Left Shift: Sprint
  • Keyboard - F: Pick Up Elements / Clear All Ingredients in the Cauldron
  • Keyboard - Tab: Open Pause Menu
  • Mouse - Left Button: Put elements in the cauldron
  • Mouse - Right Button: Sun Element Ability


You can only interact with all the objects that will show you a highlight.

Approach the desk and press ‘E’ on the chair to enter Crafting Mode and thus be able to interact with the items on the desk. To stand up and leave the chair press ‘Q’.

The recipes for the required potions are written and hidden in the book on the desk when you are seated.

By clicking on the inkwell you can open the interface to create the crafting elements using the ‘ink’ or/and the ‘blood’ resources.

Some elements can be picked up using the "F" key and are used to solve puzzles; if the element in hand is incorrect, the puzzle will not be solved.

These elements include Acid, Crystal, Life, and Sun (which has a special ability activated with "M2"). 

By adding the "Ashes" element to the correct potion recipe, you can stun the shadow and enter the "Stun Phase." During this phase, you can use the pickup elements to solve puzzles and discover a secret recipe needed to win the game, but you cannot use the cauldron to create potions, to create another potion you must wait for the shadow to wake up.

To win you will have to deliver all the required potions and the secret potion, but this must be delivered before the last of the ones required by the shadow.


To create potions interact with the chair near the desk to enter Craft Mode and then with the inkwell to open the screen in which to spend resources (ink or blood) to create individual items to be placed later in the cauldron.

Each time you create an element, if there is already one on the desk above the scroll, it will be destroyed to make room for the new one. 

Once you create an item it appears above the floating desk and you can pick it up or place it in the cauldron.

When an item is placed in the cauldron a white circle will appear above the cauldron to indicate that an ingredient is present.

Once all the desired ingredients are placed inside via the indicated input you can start crafting and then automatically deliver the potion you have just finished.


Walkthrough (How to complete & win the game)


GitHub Repository

Credits - Team Eclipse

Carlo De Michele: Game Design, UI/UX Design, Level Design, Lighting & VFX

Denis Faraci: Game Programming, VFX

Martina Cozzolino: 3D Art, Environment Art & VFX 

Matteo Lopez: Concept Art, UI Art, Prop Art

Gianluca Sara: Sound Design, Sound Compositions


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